a section of the other holyfreakingcrapwhydidyoumakethissobigit'snotlikeitneedstogocrushtokyo painting. i should be working on it right now, but i'm totally blowing it off to play with the blog.
also, goddamn, this movie looks like waaaaay too much fun. that found-footage gimmick will never get old... unless it's got anything to do with that craptastic paranormal activity piece of ass.
god damn, i _love_ the art design in that movie. i am so so sad there isn't an art of book for that thing... or that none of the people on the design team seem to have even an art blog between them.
i can totally see what you're talking about. not nearly enough button-eyes though...
You been watchin' a lot of Coraline lately haven't ya? :D The imagery reminds me of the film. And it's lookin' very fun right now. :)
god damn, i _love_ the art design in that movie. i am so so sad there isn't an art of book for that thing... or that none of the people on the design team seem to have even an art blog between them.
i can totally see what you're talking about. not nearly enough button-eyes though...
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