Wednesday, 23 February 2011

for the cd case. i kinda dig the idea of the swooshy one (spoiler, we didn't go with it). originally, the guy's head would going to be a scribble and the wave a ton of doodle but that had to be scrapped- turns out there's a cd cover already out there with a very motif. huzzuh for subconscious plagiarism!

ah well, i might just do that for myself sometime.... one day... maybe...


Scott C. Gwynn said...

Alex, you've got really solid stuff going on here. I love the staging in your comic pages! Thanks for commenting on my blog... it's just prisma-color marker over pencil, nothing super special.

Alex Moore said...

hey thanks man! o rly? i've been tempted by those marker pens for a long time and i think you just sealed the deal.