Sunday, 14 October 2012

one of the things i was working on this summer was an animation project with one of the masters graphic design students at the old university. the idea was to produce three 50-page flip books explaining how traditional games from around the world worked to the youth of today.

a possible alternative to angry birds? who knows.

anyway, here's one of them. heads up- it's pretty jerky. probably should have up-ed the frame rate but imovie is a thing that i do not understand:

aaaaaand here's some sketch book stuff:


while we're on the topic of sketch book stuff, do yourself a solid and check out THESE PAGES FROM MARCO MAZZONI'S MOLESKIN. oh my word, that bird. man does incredible, incredible things with coloured pencils….


Abigail Moulder said...

I like the animation Alex, doesn't look too jerky to me! (Although it does look like you basically did this guys project for him! I hope he was grateful!) x

Alex Moore said...

thanks man!

well, i never got to see the rest of the project . for all we know, this could just be one tiny part of this totally game changing project that revolutionises playgrounds around the western world!

or not.