this month has kind of been spent somewhere in a black hole of organizing stuff. it wasn't very exciting. BUT! we've pretty much got the bulk of the press out of the way for curiouser and curiouser (the group show opening on the 24th of january that you should TOTALLY cme to. there will, at the very least, be wine- more on that HERE) and things are coming together for the art competition/exhibition i'm helping the twenty something london crew put together ( CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN GET YOUR FINGERS INTO THAT PARTICULAR PIE . we're giving you intrepid art types the chance to be in our two-day show at drink, shop & do and the fold gallery.but wait. there's more. winners will also be featured in macs magazine, fourth and main, sleek and suitcase online. not too shabby, huh?).

jeeze. remember back when you used to draw things with backgrounds? that weren't based on tenuous word play? but yeah, this is the last one of these... well, for now at least. there might be a very long list of potential pun-based doodles sitting in my sketch book. i don't think i can resist them.

front and reverse of a business card for a friend who just so happens to be re-goddamn-diculose at the whole music thing. he's currently renting out his mad piano/saxophone skills so if you've got a wedding/birthday/batmitzpha/book group meeting on the cards that you think would benefit from a little background music, you should totally shout him a holar.
and here's something for all the folk who have been working in retail this festive season. i don't know if this segment of a recent this american life episode struck a chord just because i've been doing the whole day job thing in a toy shop but it's definitely worth sticking in your ears